Continuous Quality Improvement of People's Salt Production to Achieve SNI Salt Through the Process of Recrystallization of Salt Quality III


  • Kukuh Winarso, Sabarudin Akhmad, Rachmad Hidayat, Arie Wahyu Prananta & Zainal Abidin


The concentration of NaCl, Color of Salt, Composition of Salt Solution, Temperature, Length of Boiling.


Salt is a strategic commodity as a consumption requirement that contains several substances, including the content of NaCl. Salt is produced with three types of qualities which include salt quality one, salt quality two, and salt quality three. Salt quality three is salt that has the lowest quality such as the color of salt that is dull and not consumed. These three quality salts are usually used for agriculture and agriculture. Improvement of salt quality is done by doing the process of recrystallization which then the results of the recrystallization process are measured by looking at changes in NaCl content and salt color. This research was conducted in West Pademawu, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency as a place to recrystallize salt and Village Unit Cooperatives "Karya Sakti" Montok Larangan District Pamekasan Regency as a place to conduct laboratory tests on the content of NaCl. The analysis used to determine the improvement in salt quality is the content of NaCl and the color of salt. The research design used is a complete random design (RAL) factorial. The use of the factorial RAL method has three factors, namely, the first factor is the composition of the solution with two levels, namely 15% and 20%. The second factor is the temperature with two levels is 110oC and 120oC. The third factor is the length of boiling with two levels, namely one hour and two hours. Data is analyzed by conducting Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) tests and further tests..

The results of the analysis showed that no significant influence was influenced by the interaction factors between the composition of the solution, temperature, and length of boiling of NaCl and salt color. But from the results of the process of recrystallization of NaCl salt content and salt color experienced an increase that originally had NaCl content of 94,59% to 98%. Similarly, the color of salt has increased which was originally at the 4th level then increased to level 2. With the process of recrystallization of salt, salt that was original of three qualities increased to two qualities.




How to Cite

Kukuh Winarso, Sabarudin Akhmad, Rachmad Hidayat, Arie Wahyu Prananta & Zainal Abidin. (2022). Continuous Quality Improvement of People’s Salt Production to Achieve SNI Salt Through the Process of Recrystallization of Salt Quality III. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44(4), 51–57. Retrieved from


