Comparative Study of Vibration Control using TMD on High Building response under Seismic Excitation


  • Ali BOUSOUAR, Sallaheddine HARZALLAH, BACHIR Nail, Imad Eddine TIBERMACINE


Earthquakes. Building. Tuned Mass Damper. Vibration Control. Displacement. Accelerations Reduction Rates


In this paper, tuned mass damper (TMD) can dampen vibration more effectively for seismic response of high-rise buildings. A comparative study of vibration control on the responses to displacements and accelerations of controlled and uncontrolled buildings is studied and compares their modal response using an algorithm on MATLAB software. Vibration control examples of a six- and twelve-story building model were used in this study. For six-story buildings, the dynamic response was evaluated using two historic earthquakes El-centro-1940 and Boumerdes-2003, respectively. While, for the twelve-story building subjected to two other historic earthquakes Northridge-1994 and Kobe-1995 respectively. The building has been digitally simulated where the displacement of the top floor has been modeled. As main results, the displacement and acceleration of the structure with the TMD system are lower than those of the structure without TMD. The TMD system used reduced the displacement with a percentage of less than 45% on high-rise buildings under seismic excitation, are presented.




How to Cite

Ali BOUSOUAR, Sallaheddine HARZALLAH, BACHIR Nail, Imad Eddine TIBERMACINE. (2023). Comparative Study of Vibration Control using TMD on High Building response under Seismic Excitation. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 45(10), 9–19. Retrieved from


Vol. 45 No. 10 (2023)

