Influence of Swelling Rock with Drying-Wetting Cycles on Stability of Canal Slope


  • Dr. Ravindra D Nalawade, Prof. (Dr.) B.K. Sarkar, Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh


Influence, Swelling, Rock, Drying-Wetting, Cycles, Stability, Canal Slope.


This study zeroed in on the enlarging conduct of expanding rock from channel cellar under various drying-wetting (D-W) cycles. A progression of research center tests were led on an enlarging rock, with the breaking and strength ways of behaving examined. By utilizing picture handling method, the break designs were depicted, and afterward quantitatively broke down based on the fractal aspect. The trial information demonstrated that ability to expand, including breaking level, fractal aspect, and strength, decline with expanding drying and wetting cycle. On this premise, a progression of rotator model recreations for reproducing incline disappointment by drying-wetting cycles were performed, where the drying system was accomplished by heat bulbs. The checking results recommended that a worldwide incline disappointment has happened after all out pattern of fourth comparing to 4 years. Because of the advancement of surface breaking, the penetration in the slant was extreme and nonuniform in reality. In the interim, the disappointment component of delicate stone slant prompted by D-W was examined.  .




How to Cite

Dr. Ravindra D Nalawade, Prof. (Dr.) B.K. Sarkar, Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh. (2022). Influence of Swelling Rock with Drying-Wetting Cycles on Stability of Canal Slope. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44(12), 134–139. Retrieved from


