Key word Search with Access Control Over Encrypted Cloud Data
Searchable encryption, expressiveness, cloud computing, Attribute-based encryption.Abstract
We suggest first a scalable model, in which users may locally extract a search capability using their attribute values and a search query and a file may only be extracted if the keywords fit the query, and a policy search can be passed on user attribute values.
We suggest a new scheme named KSAC using this architecture, which allows Keyword Search with Access Control over encrypted data. To implement fine-grain access control, KSAC uses a recent primitive cryptographic HPE to conduct multi-field searches. In the meanwhile, it also facilitates the deviation in search capacity and efficiently updates access policies and keywords without violating privacy. KSAC also adds noises in the query to mask user control rights to improve privacy. Intensive assessments of the real-world data collection are performed to verify the application and secure the user's right of access to the proposed scheme.
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