Influence of Natural Pozzolan Addition on Concrete via Compressive Strength and Propagation of Ultrasonic Wave Velocity Methods


  • Ben Salah HADJI, Mostefa HANI


Concrete. Non-destructive. Natural pozzolan. Compressive strength (CS). Ultrasonic wave velocity (UPV). Mechanical properties


The evaluation of concrete structures using non-destructive techniques has garnered significant interest among civil engineers. This study aims to examine the influence of natural pozzolan addition (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30% by weight) on concrete by utilizing compressive strength (CS) and the propagation of ultrasonic wave velocity (UPV) methods. The results indicated that all samples increased CS between 28 and 180 days. At 28 days, samples C0 and C25 had lower CS than the other samples; otherwise, at 180 days, samples C5, C10, C15, C20, and C25 had higher CS. Concrete samples' UPV rises over time. Sample C20 has the greatest value and C5 the lowest. UPV peaks at 180 days for all samples. This study indicates that natural pozzolan has a positive effect on the mechanical properties of concrete mixtures, particularly over long periods of time. The inclusion of an appropriate quantity of natural pozzolan offers notable benefits in terms of both strength and cost-effectiveness.




How to Cite

Ben Salah HADJI, Mostefa HANI. (2023). Influence of Natural Pozzolan Addition on Concrete via Compressive Strength and Propagation of Ultrasonic Wave Velocity Methods. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 45(11), 31–38. Retrieved from


Vol. 45 No. 11 (2023)

