Study on Replacement of Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)Instrument With Drone (unnmaned Arieal vehicle)Instrument
The Global Positioning System (GPS) , drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) , survey technology.Abstract
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is one of the world's most frequently utilised navigation technologies. It has transformed navigation by giving precise and dependable navigation data that can be utilised in a variety of applications. Nevertheless, its precision is hampered by intermittent interference or inaccuracies in satellite transmissions. Differential GPS (DGPS) was created to increase the accuracy of GPS-based navigation. DGPS employs two GPS receivers to compute the precise position of a target while accounting for satellite signal faults.The purpose of this research is to look at the feasibility of replacing the DGPS instrument with a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) instrument for navigation. The research will look at the benefits and drawbacks of utilising a drone for navigation, as well as the potential for accuracy improvement.