Reliability of Foundation Performance and Implications for Structural


  • P. J. Rama Raju* & Mahesh Chandra Shah


Analytical variable, N-Value, Foundation, Settlement


The reliability of the foundation is mainly developed with the proper process that should be taken for the load resistance of the whole structure. It also resists the loads that come from the ground. Some factors are used to make the structure of the foundation. These methods are used to focus on resisting the settlement of the soil. This settlement of the structure is also rested by using ten methods which are used to make the foundation more reliable. The foundation mainly resists all the loads that are acting vertically on the superstructure. There is a large probability which will obtain the values of the settlement. The pressure that is applied on the foundation indicates sensitivity. It has a coefficient of variation which will be significantly affected due to increases in the magnitude of the foundation and also the settlement of the soil. The application that includes the coefficient will be having the sensitivity and the N-Value that is representing the magnitude will be depending on the settlement of the foundation. The reliability approach will have the limitation of the analytical variable. This variable is the risk which is the performance for the success probability. The design of conventional is supported by the design methods and the design that is in the structural conditions. There is some typical source that is used in the uncertainty of the variability. The material that is having the measurement of the transformation for the foundation structure. In maximum design, the foundation is determined as the main reliable for the performance and also the structure section.




How to Cite

P. J. Rama Raju* & Mahesh Chandra Shah. (2022). Reliability of Foundation Performance and Implications for Structural. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44(1), 35–38. Retrieved from


