Contractors and Builders After Covid-19: Business Industry, Tender Opportunities, and Planning to Continue Business


  • Sashank Kothari* & Ankit Neg


Budget, equipment, time, projects, challenges, materials, methods.


The main part of this research is to introduce and analyze the impact of COVID-19 on the global industry of construction. The industries of construction faced many types of challenges during and also after this period of COVID-19 such as shortages of labor, issues with supply chains, and also the pressure of finance. In this proposal, it is also found that the industries of construction are faced with various challenges for their contracts and it is also very important for the organization that they make the project or the contract on time and the project should be finished within the budget. But for this type of pandemic situation, it will be very hard for the companies for making the site projects on time because they are mainly facing a financial problems and also the labor problem. In this situation, many construction companys value down in the market and this is very harmful to those companies or organizations. A lot of contracts on different construction with the force of majeure in various types of ways and the general principle for the force of majeure in the law of English and it will be also very important that the contract wording is included with the event of the force of majeure for the organization. During this period of COVID-19, the deals the construction had closed during the outbreak and the other one part had not so now the clients will be aware of the issue.




How to Cite

Sashank Kothari* & Ankit Neg. (2022). Contractors and Builders After Covid-19: Business Industry, Tender Opportunities, and Planning to Continue Business. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44(1), 27–30. Retrieved from


