Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Construction and Management


  • Chougale M P*, Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh & Prof. (Dr.) B.K. Sarkar


Leachate; Leachate pollution index; Landfill; Water quality index; Solid waste.


:    In Any city, one of the serious issues is civil strong administration (MSW) because of truly expanding waste amount alongside its changing waste qualities. Civil strong waste incorporates non-unsafe waste created in house, foundations, business and business foundations in a metropolitan region. As city develop and deliver more civil strong waste and their waste assortment frameworks become more proficient, due the ecological effect from dump site turns out to be progressively deplorable. A report on squander the executives arranged for the Public authority of India (1998) by a sub-council of the High Court depicts what is happening. The civil bodies in Any have been not able to deal with the fast changes that have prompted both expanded squander amounts and changes in the waste arrangement this prompting an over-stacking of the help. MSW rules don't allow to dump blended squander in direct land filling and subsequently, the waste should be isolated to gather and reuse all recyclable and the natural matter should be settled. The created and gathered MSW should be handled/treated with just non-biodegradable MSW and the oddballs of the handling office being unloaded in landfill. Leachate radiating from strong waste kept in landfill have broken up or an entrained naturally unsafe substances. By and large, ecological effects and monetary harms of poor leachate the executives rehearses on groundwater and it are not obviously perceived to get surface waters. With this unique situation, this review, the idea of leachate contamination record, a device for evaluating the leachate contamination potential and water quality file for encompassing water collections of Mavallipura landfill site in Any has been applied. It has been found that the leachate created from the Mavallipura landfill site has high defilement potential to the encompassing water bodies. The outcomes uncovered that nature of ground water assets in Mavallipura landfill is breaking down generally, because of the unfortunate act of strong waste administration. Consequently, a viable medicinal arrangement should be ready for the manageable water quality support of the area.




How to Cite

Chougale M P*, Prof. (Dr.) Reena Singh & Prof. (Dr.) B.K. Sarkar. (2022). Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Construction and Management. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44(12), 106–111. Retrieved from


