Estimating the Influence of Mineral Admixture on Chloride Diffusivity and Depassivation of Concrete
Concrete, Mineral admixtures, corrosion, Chloride Diffusion, service life.Abstract
The key element impacting reinforced concrete's endurance is the entry of hostile substances into it, which affects both the concrete and the steel reinforcing it. Corrosion caused by chlorides is the most severe environmental pollution problem in maritime areas. The goal of this research is to develop a design mix that will assist designers in optimising the concrete mix and concrete cover thickness to lengthen the service life of RC structures made with concrete containing a variety of mineral additions. The three most popular mineral additives are silica fume, fly ash, and GGBS. The chloride diffusion rate and lifetime estimates are computed using Fick's law of diffusion. These results suggest that the useful life of these mixtures increases with decreasing diffusion rate. Longevity of concrete buildings is enhanced by increasing the concrete coverage, but it is diminished by raising the water binder percentage
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