Practices and Challenges for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Balasore District, Odisha


  • Arun Kumar Mohanta*, Biswajit Patra & Chittaranjan Sahoo


Plastic waste, management, recycle, reuse, techniques, microfiber.


Sanitation is important for physical, social, and mental health. Specifically, safe sanitation is associated with positive impacts on diarrheal disease, parasitic infections, stunting, cognitive development, and mental and social well-being. A practical approach to deal with the municipal solid waste at hand needs the adoption of a suitable model and an understanding of the required processes to manage it effectively.  The study focused on the processes in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) value chain like waste generation, primary source storage, collection, secondary storage, transportation, processing and disposal. Decentralization of waste disposal and cluster approach of cities and towns nearby to curb the waste danger and facilitate the waste to go the fuel way looked sustainable and achievable. Sustainability studies should help all stakeholders to participate harmoniously with a common goal of clean city and striving for a better planet. The study ascertained that Balasore should have source segregation with door to door collection facility and may need decentralized composting facility centres to handle the biodegradable wastes. The plastic wastes can be used for Waste to Fuel or for road making.




How to Cite

Arun Kumar Mohanta*, Biswajit Patra & Chittaranjan Sahoo. (2022). Practices and Challenges for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Balasore District, Odisha. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44(11), 1–9. Retrieved from


