The Influence of Function on Elementary School Design Architectural Space
education for sustainable development, school-wide school model sustainable development, school of sustainable development.Abstract
The work aims to enhance the prospects for education in the field of sustainable development in schools. Based on the analysis of practical results, the main components of the sustainable development school model are proposed, and their features are analyzed. The paper shows that the school-wide model is optimal for achieving Education for sustainable development (ESD) goals. Since it is critical to begin the educational process in schools with well-designed buildings that take into account the architectural function, this study examines the impact of the function on the architectural space of school buildings, reviewing the concepts and types of architectural space, as well as the functional factors affecting them and the user and their importance on the school building. The lack of principles and rules for the design of architectural space utilized for schools, which severely impacts the school's operation and, as a result, the educational process in it. On the basis of these results, a school model can be obtained when designing schools in the future or when improving existing schools.