To Analyze the Standard Proctor Test on Black Cotton Soil Stabilisation Using Some Chemicals Used for Road Building


  • Manik Deshmukh, Pranali Mane, Poonam Mhetre, Nandita Devmare, Shraddha Survase


Black cotton soil, stabilize, standard proctor, road building


The black cotton soil is a form of soil that expands rapidly and begins to inflate when it gets moist. Because of this, the soil's strength and several other attributes are severely lacking. ' With varied quiet stabilizers, expansive soil behaves in an unexpected way. Soil stabilization is also a method for treating soil in order to care for, change, or enhance soil performance. In this study we have discussed about the stabilization, need for stabilization,  black  cottons  oil,  properties  of  black  cotton soil, terrazyme as a B.C soil stabilizer in road construction, standard proctor test for soil which conclude that in addition to reducing swelling, Hypo sludge and Terrazyme strengthen black cotton soil, making it an excellent Sub-base for a road pavement construction.




How to Cite

Manik Deshmukh, Pranali Mane, Poonam Mhetre, Nandita Devmare, Shraddha Survase. (2022). To Analyze the Standard Proctor Test on Black Cotton Soil Stabilisation Using Some Chemicals Used for Road Building. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44(5), 125–132. Retrieved from


