Sustainable Design & Construction of Civil Infra-Structure
sustainable building design, material, system, optimization.Abstract
Mechanical, electrical, electronic, communication, acoustic, architectural, and structural engineering have all contributed to the development of sustainable building design. Owners, contractors, suppliers, and building users are all involved in the process. In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion regarding sustainable structures. The majority of the published research focuses on conserving energy and water, as well as making buildings more environmentally friendly by lowering carbon emissions, for example. Sustainable building design is examined from the standpoint of structural engineering in this article. The various strategies that have been presented in the literature are summarized.Finally, the authors claim that the integration of smart structure technology, such as hybrid and semi-active vibration controllers, will be the next big leap in sustainable building design, resulting in significantly lighter and more efficient structures. While the construction industry has developed a variety of tools and guidelines for urban development, such as Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) Communities, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for Neighborhood Development, Sustainability Tools for Assessing and Rating (STAR) Communities, and so on, the infrastructure industry has remained largely unresponsive. The purpose of this study is to reassert the importance of Sustainable Infrastructure Grading Systems in urban development, such as Envision, Infrastructure Sustainable (IS) rating tool, and Civil Engineering Environmental Quality (CEEQUAL).
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