In-Structure Response Spectra Considering Nonlinearity Of RCC Structures: Experiments And Analysis


  • Mr. Akshit Lamba


Retrofitting Residential buildings Commercial buildings Bridges and dams.


In recent years, retrofitting has become more important in the advancement of civil engineering. It aids in the rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings for both short- and long-term processes, with the goal of increasing the structures' resistance to damage through the strengthening of existing structural elements. The practical evaluation of retrofitting procedures for residential, commercial, industrial, and educational buildings, as well as enormous structures such as buildings and dams, is explored in this proposed article. In this article, the progress and future scope of study have been identified. Many severe earthquakes have happened in the past that exceeded the design basis thresholds. The structural nonlinearity must be taken into account when assessing the safety of equipment and piping systems in industrial/nuclear safety-related structures subjected to earthquakes over design basis levels. The input required for qualification of these systems is the in-structure or floor response spectra (FRS), which must be generated while structural nonlinearity is taken into account. The experimental and analytical work on FRS generation for nonlinear Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) structures is discussed in this research. On a three-story RCC framed structure, push over and shake table experiments are conducted.To derive earthquake-induced In-structure response spectra for structures deforming beyond elastic limits, a simplified analytical approach is proposed. The performance of the structure is first assessed using pushover analysis in this approach. The structure's floor spectra are then calculated iteratively from the pushover curve, taking into account the reduced stiffness and increased damping at each performance level. The suggested method's floor spectra of the structure are validated using experimentally simulated findings from shake table tests.




How to Cite

Mr. Akshit Lamba. (2022). In-Structure Response Spectra Considering Nonlinearity Of RCC Structures: Experiments And Analysis. Yantu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44(5), 97–103. Retrieved from


